An actual update on the Tress printing

I would not put the fault solely at the feet of the backers. As a creator you set certain expectations.

If you set the expectation as “Year of Sanderson” then there is a feeling of timely releases. Like if I was selling a “Year of Puppies” calendar and didn’t ship until March there is an understanding of frustration. The team set an expectation of Year of Sanderson because they bit off a very ambitious project. Now if not everyone got their first item in January, well that is just the nature of the beast when there are so many orders. When some people did receive theirs in January and others hear that their January item is still printing in March… yes, I do understand their frustration.

Look I don’t think people should be rioting and demanding refunds but feeling frustrated is understandable. You go in on a Kickstarter for someone established in the publishing world and then your order is one caught up in their inexperience? Yeah, being frustrated is fine.

/r/brandonsanderson Thread Parent