My stance on SP spoilers.

I dislike Reddit’s downvoting mechanic. Elsewhere or this subreddit, downvote = dislike more than unhelpful discourse, more often then not. I hardly ever downvote—I’d even upvote a downvoted post if I see reason too.

On SP spoilers—I respect the official spoiler policy. You also tag when you talk specific SPs. That’s where I’m at. I won’t be putting more than SP1 and whichever number most of the time anyhow. However, I do think the urge to not have book title spoilers (the least spoiler of all spoilers) in the file names, random articles, and the like is a bit much.

Spoilers untagged in random posts— Totally against, unless flaired

Title of the book in a file name which most probably don’t notice right away because there’s a book with the title right there—I don’t get it.

/r/brandonsanderson Thread