An interesting similarity between S3 Clementine and Minerva

From what I understand, Minnie was supposed to serve as something of a foil to Clem in that they are both just kids who have gone through tragedies – if the specific circumstances had been different, it could've been Clem going crazy and killing people while Minnie could've been the hero trying to save people. We even start to see this side of Clem in the Ranch flashback, where she just kills a bunch of probably innocent people without even questioning it until she sees AJ. If AJ had in fact died to whatever illness he had in ANF, and/or if things didn't work out in Richmond, it's not hard to see Clem going darker and darker until she ends up crazed and bloodthirsty. Meanwhile, we know that Minnie was a good person who everyone loved prior to her kidnapping, so if she wasn't kidnapped and other kids were (if, say, Sophie and Brody were kidnapped and Marlon and Minnie were the witnesses), it's possible that she could've been one of the ones leading the charge to save her friends. In an alternate universe, where Clem lost everything she cared about and started resorting to pure, unfiltered violence just to keep herself alive, and where Minnie witnessed the kidnappings but wasn't kidnapped herself, we could see a version of TFS playing out where Clem had joined the Delta and was one of the antagonists, while Minnie was one of the protagonists trying to save her kidnapped friends. Of course, you could make "what if" arguments like this about pretty much any character, but it works particularly with Clem and Minnie because they both started off relatively similarly – happy, innocent, good-hearted little girls who then had to survive the post-apocalypse – but, through random chance, ended up on complete opposite sides of the battle.

/r/TheWalkingDeadGame Thread