Announcements x Daily Discussion for Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Completed semester. Was woken from afternoon celebratory nap by high pitched whine, like feedback from an amp in garage. Texted my SO up north about our science experiment with gardening and coin mining in garage having problems and shut it down. Lol. I handle the plants he handles the miners. I didn’t think it was important or tragic, but it sure was nice surprise that he rolled in in the middle of the night and brought not only Callie the Calico back for me, but a nice Tempranillo. Good times. We both have to head north again tomorrow. I’m sure Callie is a good girl, she likes to sleep and is good in the car, but I’m tempted to leave her here with a neighbor looking in for the few days I will be gone. Obviously warmer down here. She could use a vacation herself from the new whippersnapper. Also, feel free to sell me all your SABSW, I am building my position back up.

/r/SPACs Thread