Anon experienced misandry

I was at a fetish convention once. There weren't femboys back then, so i was basically rough trade instead. not that gay, but i do like attention, and when girls were into it and were a little toppy about it, it was so nice.

this older leather guy was talking to some other person and he made a comment about "if he got lucky at the convention" and he looked over and winked. not at me, but right through me, as if i was not there, and not in a hot way. more like in a stab that shithead in the kidney way and make him acknowledge the person. i glared and he didn't notice or didn't care. passed him in the hall later and he actually told me to smile. my revulsion and anger surprised me. i guess the thing women complain about it real.

in contrast, this nervous, fat chaser, told my shyly, that he had equipment in his room that could go in both holes and fire an electric current just across my prostate muscle and make me cum like a seizure. I was asking around about this, so it's not like he was creeping on me. kinda regret not finding out what it feels like to be st theresa and giving him a show. i think double standards exist because there are two experiences.

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