Anthem Angry Review

Warning, long response rant and a few spoilers for anthem story ahead.

Here's the main thing to understand about Joe and Looter shooters. He cannot be bothered to give a shit about them and doesn't even like them in the first place.

You know how I know that for a fact?

He trashed Destiny 1 which had flaws at launch but grew into something much better with Taken King. He never bothered to come back to it though as he had already made up his mind.

The division comes out and he trashes the shit out of it as well. Again, had issues at launch but grew into a much better more popular game. Doesn't matter to him, never returns to it.

Destiny 2 comes out, stronger than D1 at launch but also had a lot of flaws. Trashes it just the same and never returns to see how it's improved with Forsaken because again, he's already made up his mind.

I saw his video on Division 2 beta. Trashed it as well. Are you seeing a pattern here?

The only one he has had anything truly positive to say on is warframe. We all love warframe right? It's free after all. I've played warframe since open beta. I'm a founder on the game as well. Here's an unpopular opinion for ya. It's microtransactions are one step shy of being as shitty as your average mobile game trash. They are expensive as hell, many are limited time rotation and the means to skip the grind are right there at your fingertips for practically everything in the game. Its monitization is almost exactly like mobile games that people revile so heavily and yet it's never called out on it. Why is that I wonder? It's because someone has to pay the bill for these games and we lie to ourselves about it every time and pretend games like warframe and path of exile don't subsist on the same type of whale consumer as the trashy mobile games we all love to hate for the same reason.

Anyways, back to Joe while it's true he's positive about warframe he doesn't play it. He almost never streams it and if he had played it from launch he would have been just as harsh on it then as he is on all the other games I mentioned. Well, maybe a little less considering it's free but you will need some of the cash shop currency in the game at some point to get the most out of the game. So calling it free is a stretch to begin with. He never even played it until years into its life cycle and the game had improved so much by then. He's expecting every game that comes out, especially immensely complex multiplayer games to just be perfect out of the box for minimum cost. He's not the only one that thinks this but he's got one of the loudest voices for it. Here's some more truth for you. This game will never happen. Games today, at least of the multiplayer variety are simply too complex to get exactly right out of the gate. People like to point to the new God of war as an example of this. Does that game have any multiplayer interaction at all? no, of course not. If we were to ask the people at santa monica studios what their thoughts would be on it if God of war was an always online persistent world multiplayer game and I have no doubt they'd laugh in our collective faces at the absurdity of that idea. Big persistent world multiplayer games are hard to do, even harder to get right. Expecting them to be exactly perfect like some of the best single player games out there with no online interaction is idiotic. It's never happened and it's never going to happen. Waiting for it is a fool's errand.

Anthem, like it's predecessors has a long road ahead of it. Many things do need improving. Joe makes some valid points and some not so valid ones. Not everyone has the exact same experience though. Are there too many loading screens? Yes, do they actually take that long? Not for me since the day 1 patch no. This point is exaggerated to the point of absurdity in his review. If you think the loot you get while leveling up is going to compare to end game loot you're playing the wrong game. Is there a ton of variety in the guns outside of masterworks? no, but they do feel like they are just there to keep you going until end game. More variety is coming here so harping on the guns as if the game has none is strange to me when you consider masterworks. same looking javelin abilities? what? Did he not get different ones to drop or wtf is going on here?

I personally made sure to engage in the fort and talk to the various NPCs in between missions. This lead to a not perfect but far more enjoyable story experience. I especially appreciated Faye and Haluk as characters by the end. I do agree the antagonist was not handled well though. That's a fair point. I also agree the story is just starting to get good by the time the main story is over. Some spoilers ahead but the return of the urgoth and the return of the legion of dawn, spearheaded by you the player is intriguing to me. I especially liked the Legion of dawn lore. Very clearly inspired by Arthurian legends. That stuff is great but other than the grind and the soon to come mastery system there's not much there on it for now but again, more is coming.

TL:DR version. Joe has always hated looter shooters at launch. When they do improve after launch he can't be bothered to care anymore because he has impossible expectations of them at launch.

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