A streamer unknowingly finds the tutorial level after investing 95 hours into the game

Considering she was unaware of some crucial movements in the game, I'd give her some solid props for making through 75% of the divine beasts while basically self-handicapped. As a Dunder Mifflinite, I also loved that exasperated Jimface to the camera @1:29. She perfectly encapsulates that universal feeling of instantaneous annoyance and self-hatred when you realize that you've been playing a game without some basic but key piece of game knowledge.

Which reminds me a lot of myself playing through a Dark Souls game for the first time (DS2 specifically), spending about a week and a half trying/struggling to despawn all the Old Knights in Heide's Tower of Flame so I could try and make it to a boss with Estus remaining. After those 2 weeks I abandoned some random covenant while talking to the small business-owning cat, and went back to Heides. About 12 run through's later they magically started to despawn.
The covenant I had abandoned on a whim? Covenant of Champions, i.e. the covenant of eternally spawning enemies. Such a pure, "fuck me right in the dickhole with a rusty pipe cleaner" kind of moment.

/r/videos Thread Link - youtube.com