Anti-vaccine movement could impact the effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccine

That’s not a remotely fair statistic.

How so? It is basic math.

There are several “recommended” childhood vaccines that are in no way required by any state in the U.S. To conflate delaying or skipping, say, a newborn’s Hep B vaccine with refusing to have your child vaccinated against polio or measles is just ridiculous.

You have fun tearing down that strawman? I never even mentioned mandatory vaccines nor did I ever conflate a COVID-19 vaccine with any other vaccine.

Looking at vaccination as a black-and-white, all-or-nothing issue is just asking for disaster.

Luckily I don't do that.

It can take several years of research to verify the safety of a vaccine, especially one given to children.

I know.

Obviously, there will be very valid concerns about immunizing anyone - especially kids - against COVID-19 with a newly developed vaccine.

Never once did I suggest there were not concerns about newly developed vaccines.

It is incredibly important to address legitimate concerns separately from crazy conspiracy theories.

When did I ever address crazy conspiracy theories? My post is math.

Blowing off all concerned parents as lunatics is only going to create more diehard anti-vaxxers.

Never once did I judge any parents for choosing to vaccinate or not vaccinate their child. Did you even bother reading my post?

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