Do you think there are problems with French Universalism?

it is the job of institutions to free them of communautarianism

Good luck "freeing" people by forcing them to abandon their opinions and culture and embrace yours… that's a tall order, man.

I'm not saying that integration isn't exactly what you claim, in fact I agree that if you are to "stay" or emigrate to a country, then yeah you need to change accordingly and that's the deal you've signed for. But to call it "freeing" people when it's against their will is just not right (some countries tried to "free" Iraq, Vietnam, and how many other places… you just don't "free" people and bring them your great ideas, there's a reason why they didn't choose those in the first place. It's also why it's impossible to convince anyone, we always convince ourselves upon actually changing our opinion).

Again, not that those who refuse "enough change" to fit the country they're going to should be accepted as-is if their ways are disruptive to the locals. The question is probably trickier when the disruptive / subversive was 100% born and bred in the country, though. シ

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