What's up with r/FDS instance that looks don't matter, when they turn around to brag about how beautiful they are and how they can get any guy?

Are attractive people going to attract people? Of course, male or female.

There's a gigantic spectrum of attractive, unattractive and everything in between. Most of the couple's out there are average. Most people are average.

It's like being born into a wealthy family. If I were born wealthy, I would have a MUCH easier time than someone who is poor and struggling. You CAN shift the odds in your favor. But the grass isn't always greener on the other side. People cannot help the circumstances they are born into. But they can manipulate it in their favor.

Being feminine, young, slim is going to attract them- but it's not a guarantee of anything. That's why they don't focus on looks too much. Because looks are a part but not the whole focus.

/r/Trufemcels Thread Parent