Any good melee mage builds?

I'm trying to avoid micro-managing to many buffs since imo it doesn't make for very fun gameplay, I use a couple of utility spell for the same reason. Also I feel like having to many buffs eats your mana and you end up just being a melee fighter with buffs rather than a hybrid caster.

That said I didn't know Bridge of Glory adds Light Damage directly so I will definitely be testing it out, thanks for the suggestion. Weapon Drain buff isn't really necessary since I already seem to be getting 1 ichor per swing - yes, even though sheet says 0.5 it seems to round up or something.

I seriously doubt the Sandstorm takes 2 whole seconds longer, I tested them thoroughly and while it felt a little slower it wasn't a large difference and from what I've experienced AoE damage mostly come on handy in 2 situations, either you are ambushing a pack or patrolling enemies, or you are dropping it when your companion is tanking for you. In any other scenario you wouldn't have enough time to charge up either spell, so you get more value out of Sandstorm.

As for Honor Guard it just doesn't have very good damage value, the order you suggest seem to emphasize one simultaneous initial burst which is only going to account for the fraction of the damage in a long boss fight.

Blood Sacrifice is a life saver in tight spots where you are out of healing, just need to blow up one or two more big enemies to get to the next save spot without having to backtrack. It's a utility thing but invaluable.

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