What was the experience that broke up your friendship with your BFF?

She was horribly abusive towards me, never cared about my well being and tried to push me off the edge many times to separate me from my other friends just to make me more dependent on her.

I started to doubt everything when she actually SAed me. That entire year she harassed me to try to prove I'm not actually ace and that asexuality doesn't exist but she never did anything that shook me enough for me to think about it.

After that I started to slowly understand just how much of a bitch she was and decided to cut ties with her after telling her that I hate her and that she ruined my life.

It was hard and she still tried to turn my friends against me but luckily they saw themselves how much of a cunt she was and cut ties with her too.

I wish that saying that she 'ruined my life' is just a dramatic exaggeration but no, she's one of the reasons why I have trust issues, she's why I want to burst into tears every time someone touches my knees or hugs me from behind, she contributed to my self hate and after 5 years I am still licking my wounds from this horrible experience.

/r/AskReddit Thread