Have any good story plot ideas or plot twists? Write them here, and maybe I will use one or two!

Yes, my expectation was that what people would provide me would have to be moulded to fit my story. After all, most subplots develop characters to later become who writers want them to be. I would just have to add an element to a prompt that teaches the desired lesson.

But if you yourself would like to perhaps do some of this pre-emptive moulding, here is a brief synopsis of what I have and where I am going:

In a somewhat apocalyptic world, a team of hopeful scientists created an in-vitro experiment that puts several people in a developmental computer program that will train them to become super-soldiers as they develop through childhood. In this story, those people are the scientist's children. One of the scientists immerses himself in this digital world to guide the children, who are oblivious to the purpose they are there until they are in their late adolescent years. At that point, they are awaken in an emergent situation in the real world and have to escape from another "alien" invasion. These aliens aren't necessarily evil but cannot be understood by human, and thus there are often conflicts. The aliens may not even know that they are killing the people. It's complicated. Meanwhile, there are two boys, one strong, and one smart, that grow up in the real word, trying to survive on their own, escaping both alien and other bands of people. They two groups eventually meet up in a rather political position and they work together to reach a sort of safety from their aggressors. Of course, this is where plot twists come in, and some people turn evil, a main character(s) may or may not die, and it turns out there is nothing they can do except run. This is the first installation in a series.

Hope that helps! You could suggest something for the lives of the two boys (I relate it in a way to slum dog millionaire if you've ever seen it) or something for the children/ people in the virtual reality program. Most of what occurs afterwards is pretty hashed out

/r/writing Thread