Has any one individual ever saved the "world" so to speak

I was born into the real world before the Sim. I have vague memories of the great war and of using computer technology that is vastly superior than today but that had to be erased from the Sim when it was created because the virtual pill is rejected when a subject knows it can be done.

Contrary to what you say we never needed a singular upload to the Sim .The tools were available at the required hubs of interface which even small towns had at the time. So on October 6 1984 when the declaration of war was made it was merely a minor matter to leave the body behind with the proper modification of being able to accept the Sim as stated above. (once you realize paranoia is a program you can easily "plug" into side programs that are there to meta information, but you have to be careful not to boot yourself out . This requires "tokens" to forget because you can survive for a few hours into the "real flow" but any longer is extremely dangerous, If you remember this you will be feed a token to make your mind forgot the evidence I posted so this will look like a somewhat silly post. For instance you can read this over and over and each time forget the main body as soon as you are done) If you were born after the above date you will never leave the Sim because to be honest you are in no sense like those born before that date and could not possibly understand the token form you have . W

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