Do I have any place in this movement?

*" I don't feel strong enough right now but I'm trying."

*Not feeling like doing something but doing it anyway is 100% MAGA. We are all unique, I highly doubt every male centipede is built like an MMA fighter, and all the ladies here are probably not the next top model. We're not all in the genius range on the IQ chart. We have pedes from Wall Street to welders from programmers to painters from Doctors to dock workers. We all have a place here regardless of race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, religion and so on. Hell I don't fit the standard description of Alpha male. I did my Army bid got out and spent a number of years working EMS in a inner city. Due to burn out and some family issues I have spent the last 14 years as a stay at home dad/hobby farmer.

*Never in a million years would I have believed I would become a stay at home dad and it was tough on the ego in the early stages. A life of rugged "manly man" activities like football and the military and having had a job since I was 8 didn't exactly point to Mr. mom. But, I began to embrace it and started treating it like any other challenge, meet it head on and win because failure is not an option. When I started this challenge our children were 8, 4 and 5 month old twins. We later adopted my nephew when my sister was murdered. So, 2006 we had an 11 y/o, 7 y/o 3 y/o and twins 2 years olds. I guess I should mention that the second oldest is also adopted as well, another family member got pregnant very young and was going to abort or give him up so my wife and I stepped in. It hasn't always been easy, we've not been able to afford many vacations, and without hitting the lottery it's unlikely we will retire millionaires but, looking back there is very little we would change. Legos, if I could go back I would outlaw legos in the home because legos + bare feet = a mixture of anger and pain.

/r/The_Donald Thread