Do you have any regrets from your musical pursuits so far?

Only recently have I started to "get my shit together", and it's quite honestly 5 years too late for me to be at the stage I am.

I was all set to do something great with my life - gifted and talented scholar program, literally won an international piano competition, preparing to go only to the best universities...then I messed up.

Going after relationships with women who everyone warned me were no good, superficial social crap, playing too many hours on League of Legends (easily 5000+ hours), letting people get to me and suffering from depression for years upon years, spending too much money on other things (energy drinks, pizza, video games)...ALL THIS instead of focussing on my music, which is just so rewarding for even the slightest bit of recognition. Many times more than anything else in my life so far.

For those wondering, I'm in a much more stable relationship now (2 and a half years and going strong and steady), I've sorted out my depression and social issues, and I'm in a really nice place now - starting to get tracks out that aren't complete garbage, actively trying to learn new things, getting constuctive feedback, networking with relevant people etc.

Only thing really missing is financial stability, but I plan on using my EFL teaching skills to back me up with that until I can rely on my musical sales. It's a long-term goal ;)

/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Thread