Do you want any Supreme court decisions reversed once ACB is confirmed?

I'm in this one. Well society doesn't treat women as if they can control their own behavior. Look honestly at the facts and tell me women are treated as whole adults in society. Do you really believe that?

Let's say a woman murders somebody by throwing a bottle of coke out a highrise window. Now let's say a man does the identical crime. It was planned and all. The woman is going to get maybe a few years in prison while the man will get life.

Same crime, but society doesn't treat women as responsible for their actions. It's why we need to allow things like abortion. But there's no choice for a father where if he wants an abortion nobody cares.

Now women want to be able to revoke consent after the fact. Not during sex but days after. Who comes up with this stuff. It's actually real.

How often do you see women accept accountability or take responsibility? Even in relationships it's always the man who causes the issue. But for men it's never the woman it's always them. This comes from how society views responsibility.

I'm not saying women aren't capable of doing it. In fact before feminism it was not so for women to face the same sentences as men. But nobody believes that feminisms objective is to promote privilege to women. There was a book in 1908 written about this shit. Over a century ago

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