Anybody else for whom the narc brought super bad luck?

Yes!! I experienced this too and think it’s interesting I’m not the only one who noticed. I was always very lucky and that changed dramatically once I was with the narc. I couldn’t seem to do anything right and found it harder and harder to connect with others, even family and old friends. I dealt with it by leaving. He was also always very pleased when anything went poorly for me. If something was going well he did his best to trip me up and usually succeeded since I became an emotional wreck unable to make good choices. Since I went no contact, slowly but surely all of those aspects have been improving.

One interesting note: when I met him he was always telling me how he has really bad luck. After we were living together for a while, it was like he stole my good luck and gave me his. Hopefully we switched back now lol.

I too think there is a spiritual aspect to it, but a lot of people seem to have a hard time with that topic and this probably isn’t the place. It is probably related to outlook and mindset. Narcs have a very negative effect on this. They’re draining and exhausting and it’s hard to make good choices when exhausted.

/r/TrueNarcissisticAbuse Thread