Anybody with ESTJ spouse/boyfriend? How is the sex life?

Dated an ESTJ, I'm an INFJ. Communication was awful. I'm sure they have something else they'd say was wrong but from this perspective, which is usually pretty harsh, that was the major downfall. Otherwise, it was the shortest but happiest relationship. Everyone is always bitching about the ESTJ personalities but don't think they know their ESTJ very well. Long story short, sex was great. For a detailed review, read on:

INFJ/ESTJ if the communication is fixed and both sides are willing to make it work (which takes both sides to understands) are an extremely compatible couple. ESTJs are hardworking, career minded, family oriented, dedicated, loyal, persistant, stable, intelligent, clear, genuine, straight forward, look for lifelong/ longterm romances, 'imprint' others, logical, social, organized, trustworthy, and relible. Sure, they can be at times rude, borderline obnoxious to others, if young- dishonest, stubborn, and sometimes unintentionally cruel but everyone has their downfalls. INFJ downfalls is that when put in the shadow function, we are selfish, we are erradic, we are emotional, we are paranoid, we are confusing, we are unpredictable, we are sad, submissive or tyrant, or isolating. INFJs tend to be extremely loyal, dedicated, lifelong/long term depending on your infj 'imprint', independent, intelligent, caring, group oriented, supportive, reliable, curious, warm, honest. I'm sure you've heard some of the good traits.

ESTJs work well with INFJs because they both help cope with one another weaknesses while at the same time, providing the structure other types often are incapable of doing. For instance, ESTJs (God bless them) suck balls with emotional things and yes, that is a major problem because most people you'll meet are going to be human who function off using their emotions to some extent. INFJs are extremely good at teaching, being patient, and helping the ESTJ get those qualities. ESTJs sometimes can lack self development, require intellectual stimulation that they are unaware they need (which I think is why so many of them are into videogames/ they are purusing some sort of mental stimulation), want a genuine partner, someone is independent, doesn't 'need' them, someone longterm and has a habit of forming permanent bonds of some sort, someone warm who will take care of them because they are them and not because of the way they make them feel, a person who wants to go out and explore, someone who is very family oriented (fe), has long term ambitions, dreams, passions, interests, hobbies, friends, who will love the shit out of them, who accepts them for who they truly are, who never stops wanting to grow, has a healthy lifestyle (very important), is willing to be submissive, appreciates them, thinks of them, consistently looks to let the relationship work, is always loyal, thoughtful. Stable, predictable, and 'logical' are issues they will bump heads on. INFJs want these qualities and want to be this, so really it's a matter of the ESTJ and INFJ figuring out a way to provide that solid platform.

On the INFJ side, they need someone who won't overstimulate them emotionally. Someone who is independent, more dominant, who can provide decent conversations, accepts them for who they are, stable, predictable, lifelong/longterm, is willing to put up with emotional bologna but also help put a cap on it to restore harmony during difficult times, helps them be physically aware and active (strives to feed into being healthy), accepts and appreciates the INFJ need for harmony and sees it as a strength. Just has that amazing genuine spark.

/r/mbti Thread