I re-hauled the Myers-Briggs into something completely different, I've been sitting on this for a while and I'm looking for meaningful criticism/discussion about what I've done.

I put forward this mostly because I think I could do a good job at better capturing that unknown to analysis and dissect, mostly because it's cathartic to me, like it'd be the same for catching ghosts in ghostbusters or painting one feelings on a mural. I also look at it from an angle of efficiency, as I'm in the belief comprehensive can better self-reflection the same way a doctor knowing his organs jargon can help them better diagnose a patient, by simply yet rigorously knowing what the ailment is. I apply the same philosophy to mindsets; even if you get bad news, you'll still at least know what you've got.

I'm going to guess your type might be a ISFJ. I don't interact with many of them tbh, but this dissonance doesn't feel like what I experience from TP's or TJ's. I think we disagree on the J's, making it a nuetral @, and also why the subject got shifted a little to us talking about ourselves lol. The S cause this feels like the "chiding" I get from S's whenever I try to explain this thing, yet without the bite of a T in there. The dissonance from that would lead to the interaction feeling mildly crumpled (-D). I think we kind of agree F wise though, we both want to buoy a conversation. I think we disagreed I wise so that nuertalized into a B. Effectively from this conversation I feel little dazed but congenial. Curious if you feel the same. I can also explain what they heck these other letters mean if you want.

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