Why typology is not for teenagers and why it’s so potentially so dangerous : a heartfelt message from the gamma

i had the same reaction until i stopped and read the whole post and actually analysed my decisions and stuff, and their point boiled down is

kids turned mbti into a d*ck measuring contest

they were severely judging others and defining themselves and their identities with MBTI. they used mbti for bullying.

you see, i have learned that as under 18s our mbti is not well defined. we are not INFPs with certainty, because our functions are all over the place.

OPs point is, don't judge other kids based on mbti, don't judge yourself based on MBTI, don't get offended if ur type changed cos it never did u just found ur actual type, and also all types are equal and are unlimited in their potential and don't think any types are better than others. basically sure u can nerd over MBTI just don't do anything in the real world based on mbti.

a healthy underage relationship with MBTI can be established and it partially involves taking things with a grain of salt until it actually matters which is when ur type settles around 23+

sure nerd around with the science all you want :)

/r/mbti Thread Parent