Anyone else dislike the amount of self healing every class has had since like MoP? It feels like PvP has been all about bursting via stacking cooldowns, and consistent damage like in TBC and Vanilla isn't really a thing

Tbc and vanilla are just broken mechanics oneshoting people randomly. Imagine spending hours on hours to get top notch gear on a class that just gets wrecked in a split second. If there's no room for outplay it ain't a competitive game it's just a fiesta of rng to see who is more stacked. Making sure to stack cooldowns to burst someone down within a certain timeframe after forcing out their defensives through consistent dmg and cc ensures that strategy is involved and therefore skill is actually a factor. Part of the reason why corruptions suck. While fun in pve, in pvp its just a RNG reliant game mechanic. Which is garbo. Cause you aren't actually responsible for the outcome , the outcome just happens and you just happened to proc it first. If there's no room for a reaction then there's no room for counterplay , thus pvp turns into pve - mindless -effortless- underwhelming.

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