Anyone else had their life blown up by COVID?

For me, COVID was all about regaining control over my life and somehow, I managed to come into my own and thrive amidst the chaos.

I quit a job I loved preemptively, to avoid getting laid off because of COVID wreaking havoc on an industry that was dying to begin with - and found a better-paying, more secure job.

I finally ended a dead-end relationship with a lazy NVM to pursue a new relationship which has brought me nothing but joy and growth so far.

I've overcome a rough depressive episode possibly triggered by those major changes (I don't deal well with change, even if initiated by me), and am now in a better place mentally than ever before. I went from spending hours at a time in bed crying uncontrollably to working out, staying on top of my chores and pursuing meaningful hobbies.

And most importantly: I've set goals for the future and mapped out an entire level-up plan to get there.

/r/FemaleLevelUpStrategy Thread