What piece of advice you feel like every woman should know? (Can literally be anything)

Being stubborn is a good thing. It helps you to carve out a genuine personality, an authentic value system and personal goals. Especially for women-- we have to be at least a little bit stubborn, because most likely your life won't turn out that great if you are overly agreeable. Sometimes (or oftentimes), as a woman, you have to fight for your sense of self, and you need to be stubborn in order to do that.

However, being too stubborn is a bad thing. The difference between being stubborn and being pig-headed, is that a stubborn person knows who they are/what they want, but they can be flexible, they are open to change, they understand that they don't know everything, they also understand that life is too short for them to make every mistake themselves. They know that there is value in being humble, and learning from others-- learning from other people's successes and failures. A pig-headed person will have too big of an ego to be able to genuinely relate to anyone, especially someone who they view as having a lower social status than them. They also won't admire or respect a person who they view as having a higher social status-- they'll just be envious towards that person. A pig-headed person may be formally educated, but they are ignorant, because their minds are closed. How can a person who thinks they know everything already, learn anything new? They won't.

/r/FemaleLevelUpStrategy Thread