Has anyone ever eaten an edible 10-25 mgs with LSD?

I did ~300 mcg in Amsterdam plus a part of an edible (unknown dosage but felt like what a '20 mg thc" edible feels like [I have little experience with weed and 0 tolerance]) and it felt awesome (visuals/fractals, auditory effects like sounds echoing/blurring into infinity, euphoria, experience but I couldn't focus on my own thoughts enough to think about anything other than how intense and awesome it was, and I had occasional pangs of paranoia when I overheard snippets of other people's conversations (I was in a public park, sitting next to a tree with my legs crossed and my hands in the grass).

On the way to the park I started coming up pretty fast. I saw a young woman, about 19 years older than me, that looked particularly nice. She stopped to watch a cat play, looked at the flowers, etc. She was wearing simple earthen colors. I tried to make small talk (mistake) and ended up kind of awkwardly telling her that she looked beautiful that day before moving on...

I started really peaking before I got to the park. My phone had gps and maps but I struggled to navigate the last few hundred feet when I turned into a roundabout and didn't know which exit of the round about to go down. The compass on my phone was incorrect. Eventually I worked out which way to go (it felt like it took forever but really probably only took a couple minutes [still an absurd amount of time stuck in a roundabout) and a minute later I was at the park.

I spent about some number (4-5?) Of hours in the park, then walked back to the town square. After 30 minures in the town square a particularly unusual dude started talking to me about the pigeons and how many people consider them dirty but they're simply misunderstood. He talked up vegetarianism to me. He started asking my views on the pigeons and other things and I told him I couldn't form an opinion right now due to my thoughts being a bit scattered as a result of being in the late stages of an LSD trip, but that I enjoyed listening. I felt safe telling him as he seemed like a strange but well meaning individual. He talked a bit more while I listened then he politefully departed to go watch the birds. I lost track of him shortly after.

An hour later I stood up again and went to my hostel.

/r/LSD Thread Parent