Has anyone seen the Hilary Clinton docuseries on Hulu?

The Washingon Post actually had an article in 2017 citing a study saying she actually benefited from sexism more than being hurt by it. I haven't read the study so can't say how credible that is.

But regardless of whether it is a net benefit or loss for her, sexism was absolutely a two-way street. The NYT obviously only endorsed both Warren and Klobuchar because they were both women (even though they don't outright admit that it is pretty obvious). A number of people came out for her to be part of history voting for the first female president. I saw a woman that was friends of a friend in a FB discussion saying she preferred Bernie's policies, but was voting for clinton in the primaries because "white men have fucked so many things up." And I overhead a woman that is a regular at Starbucks who didn't like either trump or clinton saying that she still felt really good voting for a woman candidate even though she though hillary was the lesser of two evils. I think her and her daughter are both conservative independents that don't like trump based on their regular conversations. Which makes me wonder if she really would have voted for clinton if she wasn't a woman (which is supported by her statement of pride of voting for her).

The point is i wish people stopped having such a one-sided view of sexism in politics. Sure, there are people that vote against women because of their sex. But there are also people that prefer female candidates.

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