Anyone Have Solid Ideas/Proven Plans to Make Money Online?

I do and it makes a lot of money. So much money that I can't stop doing it. I'll help a brother out but I'm going to delete this in five minutes.

  1. All that selfie porn women have sent you over the years is worth a fortune but not how you think it would.

  2. This is a lot of work. Know that going in.

  3. Organize all those pics so you can easily access then on your phone, pc, tablet.

  4. Create a dating profile for the pics on any of the free websites, chose the city wisely . After you make enough money, move to the pay sites.

  5. Make her age ten years older than she is in the pictures. If she's 24 make her 34. She may not be the hottest 24 year old on the site but she will be the hottest 34 year old on the site.

  6. You'll need to set up a money exchange for that profile. There are certain nonAmerican banks that provide this service with very little rigor in establishing your true identity.

  7. The messages from men will pour in.

  8. Answer every single message.

  9. The men will like clockwork start asking for nudes. This is a certainty.

  10. Fish them with a few hot pics.

  11. They will ask for more pics. Start charging stupidly high prices for individual pics. They will pay.

  12. Profit.

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