Are African Americans significantly more Anti-Semitic as ADL polls would suggest?

I've been studying this, and the only consistent result I've found is that they're significantly less favorable to Jews than other ethnic groups are, although research on this topic is sparse, it seems to be dominated by the ADL (Anti Defamation League) “Entrenched anti-Semitic views” very rare among whites and Asian Americans, common among blacks and Latinos - The Washington Post

So far the only thing I've found to question the methodology of these polls is this, ADL Poll Not Black And White | Jewish Week Hardly a source, mostly just a useless collection of anecdotes and unsubstantiated opinions.

I guess my real question would be, is there anything suspect about the methodology of the ADL's anti-semitism polls. Especially with regards to how it breaks down racial demographics.

/r/AskReddit Thread