Are liberals/feminists generally racist towards South Asians/Asian men? (Broad Q, I Know)?

Mate, I'm well aware that conservatives can be racist, but in my personal life, the ones who have been racist to me, or justified racism, have been liberal. Conservatives have treated my like any other random guy. One of my friend's is literally a Southern/country dude named "Cody". It is what it is. One group seems to be justifying racism towards me, the other group sees me as an individual guy. I would have thought it would be the opposite, but it's not. The group that loudly calls itself anti-racist has been the one to be racist towards me, unfortunately. Sucks that the right is getting lager despite objectively bad candidates, but I think people vote for them out of spite? I can see myself going down that path, hopefully not. Best to stay 100% apolitical.

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