When Incels and MRAs talk about how hard it is for men like them to get matches/attention on dating apps, why do you think they never bring up the gender ratio of users on those apps?

I tried to have a FWB relationship with a guy who was seeing a few other girls too. I didn’t mind as I was trying to keep things casual and basically just wanted to focus on school and work but have something on the side.

That man was so fucking busy I quickly got frustrated and stopped seeing him! He was dating like three other girls and working so he would constantly have to reschedule, cancel last minute, when I was with him he forgot he called another girl and canceled on her… it was honestly ridiculous lol. I only saw him for a couple weeks before getting tired of the whole thing.

If there are incels out there thinking 75% of women are happily dealing with a similar situation, or that any man alive is just calmly juggling 15 women, they’re even more ridiculous than I thought lmao.

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