Why are you personally an anarchist?

Ok wow so there's a lot of reasons for me personally. So my parents are fascists and I believed what they said for a while. Eventually I began to question them and I became a liberal. During this time I also became an atheist and that (becoming an atheist) is part of why I became an anarchist. I began to become disillusioned with liberalism, I found it pandering to authority and overly insular. As well as being very limited in its demands. At around the same time I came out as a trans woman. This definitely radicalized me and made me despise the world that exists currently more than I used to. My distrust for authority began to swell.

Eventually I began to read. Chomsky was the first anarchist author I read. I had listened to some of what he said when I was a liberal but I didn't really pay attention to what he was really getting at until later on. I watched tons of YouTube videos on anarchism as well. At about this point I became an anarchist. I kept reading (still am).

A few reasons could boil down to anarchism being in my opinion the reconciliation of conflicting interests. Currently in our world the oppressor and the oppressed have different interests. I believe that self interest can be a good thing. But as it currently exists, acting in one's self interest means violating anothers. The obvious solution is to eliminate hierarchy. I do not think people should be dominated and controlled. I don't believe suffering is neccessary or inevitable. Any rational and empathetic world should be based on solidarity, community, individual freedom being both a freedom from and a freedom to.

To me anarchism means liberation and the end of domination. It means an ever expanding freedom. One that is not only a result of empathy and a need to eliminate suffering and have a truly free world. But also my own self-interest. Freedom is a fundamental need. As much for me as anyone else. I desire to be free from constraint.

But to me anarchism is an ethical philosophy perhaps moreso than a political one. Although such ethics are constructed ("nature", and god I hate using that word has no allegiance but to physics) it really boils down to what we want to create. Do we want a world that is desirable for our existence or one hostile to it. I want to create the former.

/r/Anarchism Thread