Arlo - Does Nintendo NEED E3?

The problem I have with this though is that it would be extremely easy for Sony, Microsoft, etc at E3 to build massive hype because all they need to do is show a trailer, have some dramatic music, etc. with Nintendo they don't have a really great advantage not because people would ignore Nintendo games; but rather that no matter what Nintendo reveals it either happens to be the worst thing ever which pisses of the fanbase, or it gets hype to extreme levels (which is great) the problem is it feels random. I remember the absolute anger people had to the reveal of Wind Waker back during the GameCube days and now a days most fans say it was silly because you shouldn't judge a game by its artstyle, but we were kinda of doing that with Star Fox Zero (along with complaining about it being a remake of Star Fox 64, despite the fact A Link Between Worlds gets a free pass, or the controls which for some reason Star Fox Assualt and even some other GameCube games get a free pass) The point I'm trying to make is that although it would be awesome if Nintendo went balls to the walls at E3, Everyone has been trying to be different for the sake of being different and also appeal to well the core market. Fallout 4 was different than Fallout 3 and New Vegas (still the same at the same time) Elder Scrolls Online is very different than other Elder Scroll games, Dragon Age Inquisition was different, Assasins Creeds have both been different and the same game. Doom 4 was not that much different than the current Wolfenstein. The problem is the game industry has changed so much in both good and bad terms that the goalposts constantly get shifted. I guess what I'm trying to say is it's hard to be excited at E3 because I firmly believe the problem really shouldn't be thrown at Nintendo but rather E3 in general. The last time I was excited at E3 was 2010-2011.

I think that showing off Zelda at E3 as the only playable game is not really that bad of an idea only if we happen to get more game reveals and other things.

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