Asian daughters: what kind of sexiest bullshit have you dealt with?

I come off as a rude, hypocrite asshole online often, although I'm super calm typing in real life, I do ramble and go off on people online in an unnecessarily aggressive way while insulting with the lowest language possible (and then regret it later most of the time), so I feel the need to apologize to you again; you seem to realize your own mistakes and I admire that. I hate it when people you're currently "fighting" with turn civil on you, it does make us feel embarrassed, at least I know I am now. Good luck with the gym, I didn't doubt your workout, just felt the need to be an asshole at the time.

After 4-5 years of 4chan, I guess I can see where you're coming from, since the internet is fucked. I probably hate racism because I'm biased as fuck: growing up I had friends from pretty much all ethnic groups and no one ever looked down on one another for that. However, there are some remarks about the stereotypes of each ethnicity that make me boil, because if I hear anyone tell my girlfriend or my Asian friends how they "HURR GOOD AT MATH AND EAT DOG XD" I get furious, because society somehow allows this shit to happen, it's considered okay to make fun of Asians in general through the media scene, except if this happens with black people, it's instantly deemed racist and society is suddenly not equal for all races, it pisses me off.

I'm sorry, once again, for spewing "hurr cuck" like a fucktard. And yeah, I understood it was only fair game to use a gaming theme against another, it's all good. I do defend myself to keep my own self-esteem in acceptable levels as well, I still have to work on using arguments without resorting to all the offensive buzzwords that come up as I'm rushing in online adrenaline, since I can get pretty toxic (as seen above). I didn't embarrass you because, in the end, you turned out to be just someone who happens to have his own problems and is trying to improve them and learn something from the experiences you have (yadda yadda, some lame lesson here learned by both of us). This essay might sound retarded because English isn't my main language and I just got back from a 4h train trip.

Also, I used to play Love Live! 24/7 in 2014, you striked me damn right on the "hypocrite", LOL. NicoBestGirl

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