Ask /r/CompetitiveHS | Monday, February 01, 2016

This matchup seems to be unfavored, although I was 6-4 against anyfit in January. In 1 game, after first anyfin, paladin played minibot and guy, while being out of doomsayers/pyromancers. I just never killed those 2 denying him full value from second anyfin. Other games I just survived both anyfins by stacking enough armor. First thing to realize is, unless you run double brawl (which you probably should do anyway in this meta), you can only win by killing them before they play second anyfin. This is difficult due to the amount of heal and removal they have. So just play around first equality a bit and then go all in. If however you do run double brawl, you can build enough armor to survive both anyfins. Early Justicar helps a lot. Other than that, remove everything they play - don't hesitate using shield slam/execute on minions the size of warleader since they don't play anything big anyways. Trading minions is preferable over using weapons as you want to take as few damage as possible. BGH for tempo is good since there are no targets for it. Generally apply just enough pressure to not allow them to freely draw too much, while hero powering every turn if possible. If they have to use truesilver on minions, that's also great. The longer the game lasts, the better are your chances of drawing key cards. For that you also need to draw a lot - slamming own acolyte for guaranteed 3 cards is ok. Ideally you want to stack about 70 life+armor or more (first anyfit s 22, second up to something like 46), although if you keep belcher, you can survive with less (about 50 maybe). Set up for anyfins is the following: weapon equipped, 2 brawls and belcher in hand. After first anyfin, brawl, kill last murlock with weapon and play belcher. He will stop 2 chargers, saving you a ton of life. If they play minions instead of second anyfin, try to protect belcher. After second anyfit just brawl again and win. Sometimes they will draw all 7 cards in top half of the deck and there's just nothing you can do, but other times last murlock/anyfin will be in the bottom 3 cards and this will give you enough time to draw all you need - this is when I find this matchup most fascinating as if you win, you will usually survive at very little life (was on 3 hp after second anyfin in my last game) and you will see how very small decisions from 10 turns before, like using shield slam on 2/1, contributed to victory.

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