I asked my novelist friend what the core problems with The Last Jedi were. Here is what she wrote back.

Unpopular opiniom incoming: Can people just enjoy a movie and not deeply analyze it thematic elements? My cousin (8) is a huge fan of star wars, and he loved TLJ, because he thought it looked cool, had cool action and scenes, and liked the fact that it just was Star Wars. He was heartbroken when his friends told him the movie was horrible and sucked and its ruining Star Wars because they heard from people stuff like this. Whatever happened to just sitting back and enjoying a film because its there to entertain you? It's fantasy, who gives a shit if the plot makes sense? I for one really enjoyed the movie, and I wish more people would stop being overly critical and trying to purposely look for everything that makes a movie bad compared to looking for the upsides and what it does well, its strong points. It just really grinds my gears that audiences do this. /rant

/r/saltierthancrait Thread