Is asking SSA people to be single too much to ask?

Yes, SSA is same sex attracted. I don’t recall editing my post except before anyone commented and those edits were for grammar reasons and better word choices. I have posted here before about how I want a Catholic celibate boyfriend (I am male). I’m not asking for any teachings to be changed except that people see two men or two women at Mass holding hands and they don’t automatically shield their children, complain to the pastor, etc., because it’s automatically assumed they’re doing sexually deviant acts. Idk I just want companionship, and love, within a Catholic Christian context. I don’t want sex. The example I used is that divorced and remarried Catholics without an annulment are being given more lax standards - which is at best bending Church teachings - and if they get leeway, I think people like me should receive some as well so that if I were to show up to worship God with my boyfriend or partner, people wouldn’t be thinking the worst about us.

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