AskSmashBros: Street Fighter players, what do you think of Ryu's inclusion in Smash 4?

I honestly want to give a polite response because you at least gave reasons, but it's almost too stupid to respond to. You say that the Rose person is "aggressive" with reflectors. Stop and think about that for two seconds, dildo. Seriously, think about why that statement cant possibly be right. Still nothing? Fine. Reflectors/Counters/Absorb are almost the quintessential defensive option because they require that your opponent attack you. If your opponent does not attack you, then the reflector/counter/absorb does nothing. It is absolutely a defensive maneuver and is in no way aggressive. Aggressive means taking the initiative, attacking, offense!

What you probably meant to say is that the timing to execute this defensive option is small, and therefore difficult, and I would agree with you. But nowhere in my original post did I say otherwise; i said sf is highly technical, very campy (projectile spamming) and very defensive (reactionary to those projectiles). This video demonstrates that clearly.

Sagat here is being extremely campy. As you point out, he is too slow to approach, so instead, he opts to sit back and launch projectiles safely, almost as if "he set up camp" on his side of the screen and has no intentions of leaving the safety of his camp to approach the enemy. See how that works?

You then explain to me the reasoning why Rose's decisions to reflect/absorb offered a tactical advantage. Fantastic. Do you appreciate what your argument very effectively accomplished? You've given me the reasons why defensive reflection/absorption is the strongest option. If you wanted to prove me wrong, you could have made an argument for why Rosa should have been taking the initiative to gain an advantage. Instead, you very thoughtfully explained to me why Sagat's best option was to camp out (you say he cant approach) and why Rosa's best option is a defensive tactic (builds meter, does chip damage).

Holy fuck i am a lot smarter than you. Never dare to tell me I dont understand something again. Youre wrong. You are the stupid one, and now everyone here knows it.

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