Audience members laughs at male abuse victim, host of show calls the audience out on double standards

She is anything but a feminist holy shit, I'm so sick of that name being thrown around by men's rights activists.

She believes in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.

To quote the woman herself: "Want to close the wage gap? Step one: Change your major from feminist dance therapy to electrical engineering."

This goes against the rigid ideology of the cult/religion that is third wave feminism. You post on ShitRedditSays, so I'm not surprised that you're triggered by what she says.

Meanwhile, feel free to have a bitch about men while living and working under roofs that men built, driving around on roads that men built, drinking clean water from pipes that men built, and shitting in toilets and sewer systems that men built.

Here in Australia we're currently sweltering in 45C temperatures. That's 113F, if you're a Yank. And there are people out there fighting bushfires in those conditions.

Almost none of them are women.

Funny how feminists don't fight for women to be more represented in outdoor jobs in non-air-conditioned working environments...

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