Average starting salary for teachers hits €38,701

Yes I understand that but I feel like every year I start off back at square one, new school ect. Id say it is unlikely the I will get full time hours next year and if and when I do get full time hours they must be my own hours for two years before I can be made permanent. A friend of mine got a job that did not require and specific collage degree just required that you had a degree, started off on around 30k and his pay has been rising ever since, plus bonus and perks. Where as I feel as I'm just treading water and getting nowhere. And their is also costs I incure as teacher that I wouldn't in the private sector, I'm forced to pay into a pension fund ( that will be worth very little to me when I retire because of cuts in teachers pensions ,and the money I pay in would be more use to me now) I also have to pay union fees and teacher council membership and buy supplies for my students ( not forced to buy supplies but if I don't school won't and I don't want my students to suffer and do without)

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