Barely thought about what an imagined check might feel like the other day while driving.. then received this from an account I closed almost 3 years ago

Some of us were talking about huge sums of money the other day and I told one guy to make a list of 100 ways they could give a stranger 1 million dollars and how much money one would have to have to make the thrill of giving some stranger money worth a million dollars and there was an offline bull session about how with 2 billion dollars, even spread around and only collecting 2% APY, one could easily give a million dollars to a hundred people every year without ever touching the principal. Then, I got one of those high dollar spam emails talking about how I had 2.4 billion dollars that I needed to collect. ROFL! I'd never seen a 10 figure amount in spam before.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread Link -