based abraham lincoln

This context is "I owned that bitch" or "I made them my bitch". So combination of "I defeated someone totally" and "behaves like a dog". English is a cursed language, I mean in the USA any term that might be associated with female is considered extremely disgusting/vulgar while anything male is considered okay. Example that comes to mind is calling someone a "dick" is whatever but calling someone a "cunt" is consider unforgivably vulgar even though it's the same terms with different gender.

Depends on the usage of "bitches". Because the words "owned" is there, in context "bitches" wouldn't be in the derogatory term for women sense but the "made them my bitch" sense. English is a cursed jumbled language but the word bitch meant dog long before it was ever a derogatory term for women.

It's like the confusion 1990s suburbanites had with "dog" and "bitch" in American urban and Caribbean slag. No longer a thing but for about a 5 year span it was interesting vernacular especially in Caribbean English.

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