Based on the evidence, can we speculate as to whether Z was an experienced shooter? He used at least 2 different guns, a .22 cal and a 9mm. Shot multiple people - most multiple times - and yet left at least one / possibly two shooting survive... is he a bad shot?

Ok as a canadian - and we do our share of hunting lol - it might be different for us growing up as kids...but in the US, maybe in different parts more so than others, is it normal growing up with guns? Like I was watching that 70's show (RIP Tanya Roberts - so beautiful) and red and eric are out hunting and basically red thinks he can't shoot but really eric doesn't want to shoot the buck. But he shoots a can off a fence just like that... So he's a good shot. Does that have something to do with red being a veteran or just a hunter? Is it somewhat normal in some places to grow up like point being is him being a good shoot or not tell us anything specific or does it just lead to anything like he could be an ace hitman? Forgive my ignorance in this lol Thanks.

/r/ZodiacKiller Thread