Why Impeach Trump at This Late Date? One Word, Says Bernie Sanders: 'Precedent' - "It must be made clear that no president, now or in the future, can lead an insurrection against the U.S. government."

The head line is entirely accurate just diametrically opposed to the intention. For 4 years the legitimacy of Trumps election has been challenged on it's legitimatise. The media has been unrelenting in it's opposition to Trump. Trump represented the last gasp of the lower middle class and the working class in the face of 3 decades of Neo-Liberalisab exporting their jobs(Dem +RHINO). Look at the s curve of income. The only people suffering are Americans above min wage and between the top 10%.

Now you got yo ask yourself does the 3rd world (i.e. China & India & some of Africa) wage increase equal world stability and cheap goods OR does it equal first world inequality and exporting costs?

Trump rise and support rests entirely on promising to level that low income (middle for the world) portion of the curve.

Democrat policy is to provide income subsidy for everyone but still ensure Neo-Liberalism transfers wealth to China, who is playing a rational game (aimed at subverting USA.) and to India and later Africa.

/r/politics Thread Link - commondreams.org