Batting Practice by Yourself

From the comments:

Anyone who thinks this is real is an idiot. I'm an editor in Los Angeles, this is what I do for a living and I can see a fake a mile away (like the Beckham kicking the balls into the trash can on Santa Monica beach, for instance). Okay...

1 - The first ball the guy picks up, it's completely different color from the rest and it's purposely 'sitting' on top of the pile for a reason... so it doesn't have to move the balls around it. It's a CGI ball - no doubt. (He's faking tossing the batter a ball, just an empty hand.) That, alone, should end any debate (especially when he does it again with second ball).

2 - The guy who 'threw' the ball to him isn't even coming close to following where the CGI ball is, he's looking at the wrong screens going, "Whoa!" Why? Because there's no real ball in play.

3 - The computer generated arcs of the balls aren't even changing! It's so lazy. They have a pre-generated flight path (which isn't losing ANY velocity, defying the laws of physics, mind you) and it's the same arc EVERY time.

4 - There's no shadow on the ball when it's in the field and clearly there's plenty of sun.

5 - The balls at the end flying up and out of frame, never to be seen again.

6 - All fake CGI aside... do some math and physics. On average, with an 85mph pitch, the ball typically travels roughly 20mph faster leaving that bat and decreases, never reaching its same velocity again. These screens are about 70 feet apart from each bounce (as this is closer, being a softball field). The ball travels five times (one hit, four bounces), that's a total of 350 feet with EACH BALL. Every time it makes contact, it would slow. Assuming (for the sake of argument) that he wasn't doing soft toss and it was an 85mph pitch, he would have to hit the ball roughly 450-500 feet EVERY time, with each net absorbing roughly 1/5 of the rate of speed. So, with the decreased rate of speed for soft toss, he'd have be hitting the ball with the force of AT LEAST 500 feet hits, most likely 550 feet hits for it even get around the nets just one time. Um, he's barely swinging.

Case closed. It's fake.

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