As being a hardcore Devil May Cry fan. The thing I dislike the most about DmC isn't even in the game.

Again, I'm not telling you how to feel about the way they put it in the conference. I'm just saying I don't think they were trying to say "being gay is bad", and I don't think gay jokes were as rare as you're trying to say they were in 2013. I won't sit here and try and recall every gay joke I heard and saw in media and society from when I was a sophomore, so if that's the point you want to keep arguing ad a gay man, I'm fine tapping out on it now.

As for the first point, it literally means "Hey, you know how the last time Dante showed up in a game, he was a somewhat flamboyant and bombastic super hero wearing spurs and chaps, reciting poems about his cock, and getting into an improvised dramatic monologue with another character? We aren't going to be writing that character. Instead we'll be writing this one." They could've put it better, but the meaning was very clear.

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