Being poor destroyed my appetite and I need tips on how to get it back

I feel this!! I’ve been and am there too. Due to being extremely poor, an recovering anorexic/bulimic and denying myself basic needs (bc of childhood abuse and neglect)… it’s been a month since I had a warm meal. I‘m so hungry to the point I‘m sick but just thinking about food makes me nauseous and sometimes vomit… it’s a horrible feeling because I really want to eat again but thinking about food makes me physically sick.

I‘ve been slowly getting into it again, here are my „recipes“ (I also like the suggestion of eating a spoon of unsweetened peanut butter as someone else mentioned):

  • sandwiches: the least nauseous-making bread of your preference (my favorite are sesame buns and everything out of pretzel dough) topped with (avocado, which is too expensive where I live) mayonnaise or butter with omega fatty acids, cheese (I like emmental), sometimes ham or veggie meat and top it with two leafs of salad, sliced tomatoes and sliced cucumber and a little bit of salt and pepper. Sometimes I only eat the toppings because I can’t eat bread but notice too late

  • unsalted peanuts: I try to eat a hand full of peanuts with every meal (tastes incredibly good with salad imo) or when I‘m hungry and can’t eat anything else, a hand full of unsalted peanuts is the only thing I can shove down

  • potatoes: I currently don’t own an oven but if you do, I can recommend potatoes or sweet potatoes sliced into fries topped with quark that I mix with herbs and spices or cooked potatoes with broccoli / cauliflower (frozen is fine) and also herb quark or store bought sauce hollandaise

  • herb quark or herb cream cheese with veggies like sliced cucumber and bell pepper

  • greek yogurt with a spoon of cocoa powder for kids that’s infused with vitamins

  • takeaway: the only thing I‘m getting down is vegetarian kebab durum sometimes with feta cheese or falafel balls

I don’t know if this helps, but for now that is how I‘m trying to get back at eating at all…

/r/EatCheapAndHealthy Thread