Do you believe accelerationism works?

In short: No, I don't think accelerationism will happen. Not to the extent you describe.

Long response: Good question. Here's what I fear will happen:

It will accelerate public opinion, swinging it to the right, but the government - even a new one - couldn't (or wouldn't) stop the flow completely and will instead increase civil surveillance and crack down harder on more extreme groups. Basically, they'll thin out the real movers and shakers, leaving natives minimal opportunity to voice their concerns out of fear for their employment/harassment/far-left violence. So, more natives in jail for hate-speech/incitement to violence and stricter control. The acceleration stops here, by force. A mantra will be repeated in the media and from the Reichstag about 'our view of humanity' and 'our responsibility to protect it'. The far-right will be branded as cowards and criminals, even more than they already are.

From there, the economy will take a huge hit as the welfare state in several European countries is coming under extreme pressure, leaving children to attend overcrowded schools with many immigrants among them. Violence against natives will skyrocket, especially against native school-aged children. Think Sweden 2.0. The police can't do their job properly and many cuts in spending will help to further destabilise Germany. We should be seeing more terrorist attacks in Europe during this time, as countless ISIS members have set up shop.

Immigrants are being housed in 'temporary' accommodation (ghettos), to great cost for the average taxpayer. Local crime is rampant and citizens are scared shitless. These will be the new 'no-go zones'. It will mostly go unreported, like in Sweden. With barely any help from a understaffed and overworked police force, the poor will suffer immensely from this development. Youths will find a shortage of affordable housing and more natives will become homeless.

The threat of collapse of the EU will secure enough political solidarity and/or fear within the European populace to push mandatory migrant quotas. Germany will be somewhat alleviated by sending a portion of the immigrants to other EU countries, but the reality of the average German citizen has been irreversibly altered.

If this actually does happen, God forbid, the question becomes 'what happens to the population rates across Europe?'

Can we endure the costs of these children economically?

/r/european Thread