Beto if you run don't endorse huge tax increases and medicare for all!

Beto thinks Single Payer is the endgame, but understands it (likely) won't happen right away. So he's also for things like a public option.

For his 'now' plans, I hope he looks at universal catastrophic coverage. Basically someone making $30,000 a year. Takeaway $12000 for poverty line threshold. 10% of eligible income, $18,000. That person would be responsible for the first $1,800 of their healthcare costs, everything after for the year would be covered by the government(single payer style). Everyone would automatically be enrolled, so we'd have universal healthcare. Everyone's costs would be capped to 10% of their income over the poverty line. Insurance companies would know the risk of every customer. So their plans would end up far cheaper.

/r/Beto2020 Thread