Better Trump than Hillary..

I can admit Trump made the right call here

I'm not sure I can, but I think it's more "right" than Hillary's proposal.

You can't see how it is obviously different to cripple Assad's air capabilities, and a symbolic (and rather shit) bombing of one airfield?

She said:

"I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them."

"I still believe we should have done a no-fly zone,"

No, sorry, that's not a difference of one letter. Taking out all Assad's airfields is very aggressive, and would put Russia's back to the wall. Not only that, it extends the war, instead of my preferred position, which would be not to get involved, and let Assad continue to win the war, leading to it's end, peace, and stability.

We can fight over pretty much everything else, though, with the next 2 on the list being his priorities to destroy net neutrality and crack down on states that legalized marijuana.

I don't know much about either of these issues, I wouldn't fight about it, as I'm fairly indifferent.

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