Big Brother US18 - Evening Live Feed Discussion - August 09 2016

Production knows who has RT and probably takes that into account when building comps. The last two HOH comps have had set spots for the HGs to play (the boards from Paul's HoH and the swings from this one) with little space to add an additional spot. Even though Frank and Day's evictions seemed pretty inevitable, you would think that production would account for the chance of a last minute flip. If Bridgette were evicted instead of Frank/Day and had RT and came back, there wouldn't have been room to accommodate her in the comp. So presumably, production knew in the past two evictions that someone was definitely leaving no matter what, since otherwise they would have an extra space, or better yet, a flexible comp where all HGs take turns using one setup (like the minigolf comp). Still, it's just based on observation and you can argue that whoever has RT may not necessarily be eligible to play in HoH anyway, so there's still a chance Bridgette could have it. I didn't come up with the idea and am just summarizing what I've seen here on this sub so apologies if I got anything wrong or if it isn't as clear :)

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